Water cooler - Product variants

Designation WEF6100A4 WEF6101A4 WEF6000A4 WEF6001A4
Design code ASME VIII, Div. 1 PED 2014/68/EU ASME VIII, Div. 1 PED 2014/68/EU
Tube Shell Tube Shell Tube Shell Tube Shell
Process connections Flange 3/4",
600 lbs
NPT 3/4" Flange 3/4",
600 lbs
NPT 3/4" Flange 3/4",
600 lbs
Flange 3/4",
300 lbs
Flange 3/4",
600 lbs
Flange 3/4",
300 lbs
Drain / vent connection NPT 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT 1/2" NPT 1/2"
Allowable pressure1) 65 bar
(943 PSI)
25 bar
(362 PSI)
65 bar
(943 PSI)
25 bar
(362 PSI)
65 bar
(943 PSI)
25 bar
(362 PSI)
65 bar
(943 PSI)
25 bar
(362 PSI)
Allowable temperature
cooling water side (shell side)1)
-29 °C … +150 °C
(-20 °F … +302 °F)
-29 °C … +150 °C
(-20 °F … +302 °F)
-29 °C … +150 °C
(-20 °F … +302 °F)
-29 °C … +150 °C
(-20 °F … +302 °F)
Allowable temperature
process/barrier medium side (tube side)1)
-29 °C … +260 °C
(-20 °F … +500 °F)
-29 °C … +260 °C
(-20 °F … +500 °F)
-29 °C … +260 °C
(-20 °F … +500 °F)
-29 °C … +260 °C
(-20 °F … +500 °F)
Cooling capacity (kW)2) 10 10 10 10
Cooling capacity (kW)3) 3 3 3 3
Required cooling water quantity (m³/h) 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Metal parts 316/316L 316/316L 316/316L 316/316L

Other versions on request.

1) Standard design data, extendend pressure / temperature rating on request.
2) Guidelines with barrier/buffer fluid water 60 °C – cooling water 20 °C.
3) Guidelines with barrier/buffer fluid oil 60 °C – cooling water 20 °C.
{u'ApplicationOperationalArea': '', u'IDProductItem': '58364', u'IDProductInfo': '11470', u'RecipientPhone': '', u'OperatingLimits': '', u'Note': 'Design and production in accordance with EU Pressure Equipment Directive PED 2014/68/EU.<br/>\nDesign, calculation and production acc. to ASME VIII, Div. 1<br/>\n(cooler not subject to ASME stamp requirements, piping <6")<br/>\n<br/><br/>\nCleaning:<br/>\nProcess/barrier medium side and cooling water side: flush with a suitable solvent.', u'TechnicalData': 'Heat exchangers of the WEF6 range are used to cool process/barrier fluids in seal supply circuits. WEF6 heat exchangers are fully compliant with API 682 4th edition regulations. The process/barrier medium is directed through the tube, and the cooling medium is directed through the shell.<br/>\nVenting and draining of the process/barrier medium side as well as the cooling water side is ensured. In addition, the heat exchangers can also be combined with a temperature instrument in the supply line to the mechanical seal (optional in accordance with API 682 4th edition).', u'Online': 'true', u'DrawingProduct': 'None', u'Level2ProductGroup_Group': 'None', u'ProductDomain': 'None', u'IDProductItemH': '1011', u'Description': '', u'TorqueTransmission': '', u'InquiryClass': '', u'PageHeader': 'WEF6 <br/>Water cooler', u'MailRecipient': '', u'Level1ProductRange_Range': '', u'DrawingInstallation': '', u'Level3ProductSection_Section': '', u'IDInquiryClass': '', u'StructureLevel': 'Group', u'SupplySystem': '<a href="resolveuid/16331d68041546238f31a2491d86dd84" target="_blank">Plan 21</a><br/> \n<a href="resolveuid/9d22e447d69549f3a26eddea3ddcb1ee" target="_blank">Plan 22</a><br/>\n<a href="resolveuid/416f98ece6164b25a7c744b355aabbbd" target="_blank">Plan 23</a><br/>\n<a href="resolveuid/2af650557f4645528fbec078791aae9d" target="_blank">Plan 41</a>', u'SeatAlternative': '', u'Language': 'en-US', u'MediaResistance': '', u'DescriptionHeader': '', u'RecipientName': '', u'Position': '3', u'ApplicationBranch': '<ul class="SGBulletList">\n<li>Refining technology</li>\n<li>Oil and gas industry</li>\n<li>Petrochemical industry</li>\n<li>Chemical industry</li>\n<li>Power plant technology</li>\n</ul>', u'DimensionHeader': '', u'Dimension': '', u'UID': 'c75ac65c758061bf718bff37442bae01', u'TechnicalDiagram': '', u'Features': '', u'Certification': '<ul class="SGBulletList">\n<li>PED 2014/68/EU (Design and production in accordance with EU Pressure Equipment Directive)</li>\n<li>ASME VIII, Div. 1 possible (see notes)</li>\n<li>API 682 4th edition</li>\n</ul>', u'DescriptionText': '<b>WEF6000A4</b><br/>\n<br/>\nA From mechanical seal<br/>\nB To mechanical seal<br/>\nC Cooling water IN<br/>\nD Cooling water OUT<br/>\nE Vent<br/>\nF Drain', u'SealCodes': '', u'MaterialCombination': '', u'ProductVariant': 'None', u'ProductName': 'WEF6 Water cooler', u'ArticleNumber': '', u'SupplyForm': '', u'IDSealDrawing': '', u'GenerateMeasurement': '', u'DescriptionList': '<ul class="SGBulletList">\n<li>Operating limits up to 65 bar / 260 \xc2\xb0C<br/>\n(943 PSI / 500 \xc2\xb0F) (tube side):<br/>\nsuitable for a wide range of operations</li>\n<li>Cooling water and process side can be completely vented and drained</li>\n<li>Seamless pipes on process side</li>\n<li>Special design without welding inside the cooler</li>\n<li>Higher cooling water velocity due to innovative cooler design</li>\n<li>Stainless steel 316/316L: high resistance to corrosive media</li>\n</ul>', u'ApplicationMedia': ''}